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I am a studnt. I like football. Also I like cooking. I am a good cheif.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baby Sign Language - Understanding Baby's Needs

Teaching your baby sign language is a simple, enjoyable way to create a deeper bond with your child and to both recognise and respond to his needs.
As parents, our priority is to keep our babies happy and to put things right if they're not! But, no matter how "tuned in" we are to our little ones, there are still occasions when it can be difficult to establish precisely what is upsetting them. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know what they are thinking?
Baby sign language may be the key to achieving this simple communication with baby. Research shows that parents who use it are amazed by both its effectiveness and the satisfaction it gives them to be able to respond quickly to their little one's needs.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Prepare Your Child for Pre-School

The most important thing that a parent can do when preparing a child for pre-school is to talk with the child about the school a few weeks in advance. Many times pre-school children can visit their future classrooms and meet the teacher before their first day of school. This is important for a child as they will not be left with a strange face or in a strange place on their first day of school.

Many pre-school children are comforted when they are allowed to bring a small object from home. This object can be a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or even a picture of his or her parents. Pre-school teachers are aware of the importance of these comfort objects and are more than willing to let a child hang on to it throughout the day.

Lastly, do not sneak away from your child without telling him or her good-bye. If a child is pre-occupied with a toy or activity and turns to find that their caregiver is gone, this will only make him or her more clingy the following day. Give children a proper good-bye and do not ever let them see if you are sad about leaving.

When Will Baby Start Walking?

Some babies will walk as early as six to seven months of age. Other babies might not learn to walk until a few months past their first birthday. The factors that help decide when a baby will start walking are the baby’s genes and his or her personality. Personality characteristics which help determine when a baby will walk are the baby’s sense of adventure, activity level and their sense of fear.

If a baby has not started walking by fifteen to eighteen months, he or she should be taken to the pediatrician for an evaluation.